Sunday, March 16, 2008

What A Difference A Day Makes!

About 9:30 in the evening of Friday, March 14th, a tornado hit the city of Atlanta and did a lot of damage to many buildings in the center of town. Two people were killed and 27 were injured. The pictures of the destruction in the city are frightening. Fortunately, Gainesville was spared the terrible storm----until Saturday.

Saturday afternoon severe thunderstorms with hail and 2.3" of rain raged through our town. Tornados touched down around us but Gainesville was spared. Nellie, who hates thunder, was the first one to go to the basement! Mr. Neat and I followed her downstairs and we spent the afternoon reading and watching the NCAA basketball games on TV. Fortunately we didn't lose the electricity.

The hail and rain pounded down. This is our deck with the hail.

It was marble-size, BIG marbles!

In front of our house, the hail collected on the bush and sidewalk.

The next day...

Sunday dawned with beautiful sunshine, blue skies, and warm temperatures.

Here is the bush that had the ice on it yesterday. I was afraid that our camillas would freeze, but they are still pretty.

The pink camillas, on the right, are almost finished blooming, but they made it through the icy weather too.

Look at the beautiful blue sky!

And the forsythia is blooming in the side yard too.

Wow! What a difference a day makes!

Stay tuned for more news about Mexico.

Hasta luego.

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