Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow...

My departure time is quickly approaching and saying good-bye is hard to do. I will miss my family and friends so much, but I am pleased that I was able to say good-bye in such a memorable way!

MJ and CA had all the family to their house and we had a perfect day together. CA decorated the table with balloons and a colorful "Mexican" theme; the kids played together; the adults visited; and the weather couldn't have been more pleasant.

The grandkids (with the sun in their eyes) wait for me to take the picture before they dig into the food!

Bobbie invited some church friends for a "Margarita and Mojito" party. Such fun! We celebrated my leaving and the birthdays of 2 friends at the party.

Craig, the birthday boy, cracks open the piƱata after Jo, the birthday gal, had first swing! When it broke, everyone "played" happy birthday on the kazoos that were inside!

Nibbling on guacamole, arroz con pollo and flan complimented the Margaritas. From the map of Mexico that I brought, everyone learned where Puerto Vallarta is and many promise to visit me while I am there. I hope they keep that promise!

Some of my PEO sisters came to say goodbye at a lovely coffee at Phyllis' home. I appreciate everything that she and Dot (and many others who brought delicious goodies) did to make a delightful morning. Coffee is ready!

My suitcases are practically full, and I still have to pack my clothes! How can I get all my "stuff" down there??!! Does anyone want to volunteer to sit on the suitcase for me in order to get it closed??!!

My next post will probably be from Puerto Vallarta after I get my computer set up down there. If you would like to be notified via email when I write again, just type in your email address over on the left side of this page, where it says "Blogarithm". If not, just check the blog again next week.

Hasta luego.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Grandkids are great!

I know how much I will miss my grandkids when I am in Mexico. I picked up Z and C yesterday and brought them up for an overnight with Mr. Neat and me so we could spend a little private time with them. We enjoyed them immensely and I think they had a good time too. Z and I had some fun on the computer checking out her page on "facepage" (or whatever it is that the teens use) and today C played his tuba for me. Last night we ordered a pizza and watched a movie together. Next week we will bring the 2 little guys here for their special time with the grandparents.

Today Judy helped me with an addition to my blogpage. On the left, under the "archives" you will see a little box that says "Blogarithm" and a place for your email address. If you would like to be notified when I write a new post to the blog, fill in your email address. If you do add your email address, you won't have to keep checking the blog for a new entry. This is certainly optional---choose to do it or not!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Nellie and more information

Today I decided to try posting a photo and since I don't have a more interesting one yet, I am using Nellie as my model!
Some background information about this trip; the "W" answers:
Where: I will be going to the city of Puerto Vallarta in the state of Jalisco, which is on the Pacific Ocean. The city was made famous back in the 60's(?) by the movie "Night of the Iguana" with Richard Burton and Liz Taylor.
When: Monday, July 30 is the date I am leaving. I will be back for the Christmas holidays and perhaps once in the fall for a long weekend. (not sure about that yet. depends on the school calendar.)
What: I will be teaching English Language Arts at the Colegio Mexico Americano, in the elementary division of the school. It is a Pre-K thru 12th grade private school, about 6 years old, serving the middle class and lower class students in Pto. Vallarta. There is a website for the school if you care to look at it. http://colegiomexicoamericano.org/
Why: To fulfill a dream I have had of teaching and living in a Spanish-speaking country. The time now seems right, Mr. Neat is encouraging and supporting me, the opportunity presented itself (with lots of work on my part!) so why not?
I will certainly miss my family and friends and, yes, it is a little scary to be going to a new country, make new friends, start a new job, and have a very shaky command of the language (altho I am sure that after a couple weeks, the kids won't be getting away with much when they speak Spanish in the classroom and think that I don't understand!)
I ask for your good thoughts and prayers for me and for the children whom I will be serving while I am there.
Hasta luego.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my first blog! I hope that I, as the writer (bloggER!) and you, as the reader (blogEE!) will spend some time together as I go on my adventure to teach English in Mexico!

As a first-time blogger, I am trying to learn how to write and post pictures and and hope that they actually reach you. I must give kudos to my nephew,Nathan, for suggesting that I "blog" instead of trying to email everyone; and many thanks to my friend, Judy, who helped me set up the blog. Without her help, you wouldn't be reading this!

The way this blog-thing works, I write, you read, and then you can make a comment on the post if you would like. It isn't necessary, but it will be nice for me to get your thoughts on the subjects that we share. As time goes on, I may become skillful at making this blog more interesting and when I have photos to share, well, as they say...a picture is worth a thousand words.

Next time, I will explain the what, when, where and why of my travels to Mexico. Hasta luego. (Until later)