Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Taste of Home

Yes...we do have McDonald's! and Starbucks, and Chili's and Domino's Pizza, Hooters, Burger King, Pizza Hut and even Outback Steakhouse! The pictures prove it!

This McDonald's is at the Plaza Marina, a shopping mall where I change buses on my way home from school. A long time ago, I discovered that Mickey D's is! Their AC works great! The bathrooms are clean, it is never crowded in the afternoon, and I often stop there, buy a "Coca Dieta Grande" and sit at a table and do schoolwork. I think it is not unlike the folks who take their laptops to a WIFI cafe, work and drink coffee! By the way, a Happy Meal costs $35 pesos (approx. $3.50 US) and I do not recommend their aguas frescas! Made by Minute Maid, they are NOT the real thing!!

I went to Chili's one afternoon when I was craving a hamburger. It was a beautiful burger to look at, but not very good! The meat was tough. I thought "When in Rome, do as the Romans" and decided then and there to stick with Mexican food. They do a good job with that down here!

Domino's Pizza and Hooters are right off the Malecon. They probably do a big tourist business, and, no, I didn't go to either place!!

Later I will show you some good Mexican restaurants!

Hasta luego.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I had to laugh out loud when I read your comment about how well the Mexicans make their food in Mexico! LOL