Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Back Patio

This is my bedroom window overlooking the back patio. The little roof is pretty, isn't it? Note the clothesline and clothespins on the right. Just above the clothesline is a light which we burn at night. (Perhaps for security??) On the left is the door which you will see in the next photo.

This is the door from the house to the patio. Inside the wrought iron door is a sliding door to the house. On the left is the window to the bathroom. Aurora hung a piece of plastic over the window because the window is broken and when it rains, water would come into the bathroom. A wonderful solution to a problem!

Once again, a picture which needs rotating. This is the heater for the hot water but I took the picture so you can see the pretty tile on the floor.

This is the laundry room for the house. The sink is next to the chairs. Once again, no hot water, but Aurora washes out clothes and hangs them to dry. I will never again, in my life, see a white plastic chair, that I don't think of Mexico! They have been in every house in Mexico that I have visited!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Love the tile on your patio...and also the outside light there!
Craig's sister (in Monterey) used to have an ac unit like yours in her guest bedroom. I loved it! Would actually like to put a similar one in my sewing room here at home.
