Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Grandkids are great!

I know how much I will miss my grandkids when I am in Mexico. I picked up Z and C yesterday and brought them up for an overnight with Mr. Neat and me so we could spend a little private time with them. We enjoyed them immensely and I think they had a good time too. Z and I had some fun on the computer checking out her page on "facepage" (or whatever it is that the teens use) and today C played his tuba for me. Last night we ordered a pizza and watched a movie together. Next week we will bring the 2 little guys here for their special time with the grandparents.

Today Judy helped me with an addition to my blogpage. On the left, under the "archives" you will see a little box that says "Blogarithm" and a place for your email address. If you would like to be notified when I write a new post to the blog, fill in your email address. If you do add your email address, you won't have to keep checking the blog for a new entry. This is certainly optional---choose to do it or not!

1 comment:

Judy said...

I've added you to my blogarithms, now I'll add you to my "must read" list on my blog!
It's nice that you are having some special days with your Grandkids before you depart. I'm sure that makes them feel very much loved!
I'm looking forward to our time together on Sunday.